Wednesday, August 11, 2010

School has started!

We had three boys in school today and one at home and work with Mommy! Sam starts kindergarten tomorrow and is nervous! He was so afraid I was going to "drop" him off today!

The boys really enjoyed the high school and were too cold if "too" anything which has always been "hot" but never too cold! The ac must be getting adjusted to having so many students there.

Peter ran today for the first time in over a month. He ran slowly for 30 minutes. He hopes to be running a lot by next week. Our team needs him! Andrew is like a machine. He sets a pace and sticks to it. He is driving more and more. Unfortunately, he has my sense of direction. I am much better, so I know he will be.

Will has all male teachers this year! They hopefully will be able to keep up with him and keep on him!

I am thankful they had a great day. Will, Sam, and I went to Waffle Cone Wednesday to celebrate Will's first day of 8th grade! I will be sad when he leaves HP.

Better go and get some people in bed!