Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sam is 7!

My little, tiny, precious boy is seven! I cannot believe it, and it seems no one else can either! He is enjoying his time in the first grade, and he is ready to work hard this year to overcome some obstacles thrown in his way.

He is such a joy. He is so full of love, and he loves to hug and kiss on the whole family. He hugged Will's soaking wet head Saturday after his cross country race, and it was so sweet. He was telling Will he loved him and was proud of him.

I was telling Sam about the day he was born last night as he and Peter lay in bed. I told him about deciding on his name on the way to the hospital and how Peter was the first brother to hold him - and hold back tears at the same time. From the moment that child was born, he has been loved fiercely by his brothers.

When he got glasses, they were worried someone would laugh at him. And they told me what they would do when someone did! When he had his eye surgery and then his hernia surgery a month later, they were there to comfort him and help keep him quiet. When he had trouble talking, they encouraged him and ran to get whatever he needed whether he could say it well or not! And when he was diagnosed with diabetes, they took the news almost as hard as Pete and I did. They had lots of questions and concerns for their precious little brother. So they have all learned to care for him. They check his blood sugar, they give shots, they count carbs, they figure ratios, they do it all!

They cheer him on in life. He loves them like they are his heroes, and they love him like he is the greatest thing ever.

It's a little odd to have a senior and then one just in the school door. But I think it balances out. While the time goes way too quickly whether they are in preschool or high school, these boys will always have each other. I am so thankful God gave them to us for a while.

Happy Birthday to Sam! We love you! And we are so thankful for you!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Run! Run! As fast as you can!

Tomorrow three Vandenberg boys will run in the Clash of the Classes here in Boone. They run a shorter race beginning with freshmen ~ 8 races in all. Sam and I will be there to help. We are excited to see their first meet of the season - Will's first season and Andrew's last high school season. Here we go.

I am rejoicing in Andrew's independence as he drives more and more. It's good for him, and I am thankful for it. But I know this year will fly by too quickly. Just last week, he was sick again. And that makes me feel desperate to get him better. This is it for high school...but not for life.

I want my children to know they are loved. I want them to know they are special. I want them to know most of all that God wants them with Him for eternity. And I want them to be so accepting and grateful that they want to bring others along with them. I want them to invest in eternity ~ not earthly things. I want them to be responsible and respected here so they can be lights for the One who gives eternal life.

So I don't want everything to be about them. I don't want them to crave attention for themselves. I want them to do well in school, run well, and feel the excitement of a job well done. And then I want them to bow their heads and give thanks and credit where it's due.

I don't want them to be known for themselves but rather for the One who is allowed to shine through them.

Tomorrow, we will be cheering on lots of runners in the cross country races. We hope they have something to rejoice over, and we pray they will praise God for what He does in their lives ~ even a good race or run.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A quick update!

Thanks for asking about Andrew this week ~ but most of all for the prayers. He is on another antibiotic, and he is no worse. He has been able to run, so that is good enough for him! And he has enjoyed school this week, so he must not be miserable during the day. I am thankful for a new school with air conditioning. Although we will have to keep watching him and make sure he gets totally better, I am also thankful he is not worse as he continued to get last week. All I know this week is we cannot give up. We just keep giving it over to God and letting Him take care of it. And I have to watch my attitude and my frustration. But He knew that and gave me a radio show to listen to...

The woman was on Focus on the Family, and I only caught part of it. She was talking about parenting and "overparenting" and "underparenting" ~ and she had great points for each. On one side, she talked about children who never saw their parents while they served as pastors or missionaries; and she talked about balancing and how there was no specific formula. I think she was directing people to look at what God has for them instead of getting caught up and forgetting their family. And then she talked about how she used to pray for her children. And then she realized and remembered they are on loan to her. That one struck me most. I always want my children to feel special and loved, but I don't want them to think they are "better" than everyone else. I have tried to help them be empathetic and not strive to have focus on them. For any accomplishments, I want their lives to point to Him. But I have prayed for certain things for them, thinking that is how I should pray. But as the years have gone on, I realize my own prayers have changed so much. I don't want them to have to go through things, but they will. So I want to remember to pray that they keep their eyes on God ~ no matter what or where they are. And when we go through frustrating or difficult times, they won't be as focused on the time as they will on Who will help them through. That is the goal, of course. I fail all of the time, but it makes all of the difference when I remember to put my focus back on Him and not my circumstances!

So instead of being frustrated (which I have been again recently!) and worn down, I have once again been reminded to keep looking at Him. I don't know why my eyes drop or fall down so quickly, but they do often. I am thankful for the reminders placed before me.

I love Nichole Nordeman's music. I heard part of a new song on the radio one morning while Peter was driving us to work. So my full attention was not on the song! It's about Ruth and Naomi but can also represent a lot of relationships God gives us to help on here on this earth. I am thankful for all of the ones He has put in my path to help me.

Please remember a dear family at home with a family member who will probably be meeting Jesus face to face soon. They have been so much on my heart and my mind. I know a lot of you know Wendell and Wanda and Brittany and Shannon. They are leaning on Him, and I know they appreciate all of your prayers.

Have a great weekend. And thanks again for the prayers for our family. Peter and Will had a good first week too. Sam is checking his bsl in the office before lunch, and he is doing a great job along with the team of people helping him. We are thankful for all of them too!!!!

I'm With You (Nichole Nordeman)

Love is a hurricane in a blue sky,
I didn't see it coming, never knew why,
All the laughter and the dreams, all the memories in between, washed away in a steady stream.
Love is a hunger, A famine in your soul.
I thought I planted beauty, but it would never grow.
Now I'm on my hands and knees, trying to gather up my dreams, trying to hold on to anything.
We could shake our fists in times like this when we don't understand or we could just hold hands.

You and me , Me and you, Where you go I'll go too, I'm with you, I'm with you,.
Till your heart finds a home, I won't let you feel alone, I'm with you , I'm with you, with you.

You do your best to build a higher wall.
To keep love safe from every wrecking ball.
When the dust is cleared you will see the house that love rebuilt, guarding beauty that lives here still.

It's you and me , Me and you, Where you go I'll go too, I'm with you ,I'm with you.
Till your heart finds a home, I won't let you feel alone, I'm with you, I'm with you.

Who can say I'm left with nothing?
When I have all of you, all of you, yeah.
In the way you've always loved me.
I remember. He does too.

It's you and me, Me and you, Where you go I'll go too, I'm with you, I'm with you.
Till your heart finds a home, I won't let you feel alone, I'm with you, I'm with you.
Me and you are gonna make it through me and you.
I'm with you, I'm with you, with you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Please pray for Andrew. He is on two inhalers and breathing treatments and started another round of antibiotics that Dr. Adams called in today. His cough is worse, and he was rattling pretty good at church this morning. I asked Carla to use my non-stethoscope method to hear his wheezing. I have learned I can hear from putting my ear to his back and making him take deep breaths. His hip is still bothering him, and he tried to swim in the ASU pool Friday; but it was closed for renovations. It felt a little better today. He has been riding the bike in the house and can somehow log quite a few miles. I get really bored after 15 minutes!

He also had trouble with the needles again tonight. I told him that the medicine would expire before we got started! He laughed but just could not seem to do it. But after we finally got him started, his treatment only lasted two hours and twenty minutes instead of the three it has taken recently. So that is much better than last week!

He could use some encouragement, so we plan on going to the pool for the afternoon tomorrow. They start school Thursday, and I still cannot believe he is a senior! He has been driving his truck quite a bit more the last two weeks, so he is ready to drive everyone to the high school!

I met with Sam's teachers Friday, and we are excited for him to begin first grade. They are great, and we appreciate their willingness to learn about Sam and his diabetes. And I am thankful his other "helpers" are excited to see him in the office. He has such great people to take care of him at school ~ many, many people.

Thanks for the prayers!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Just before school starts...

Andrew just got back home yesterday...with a cough. He already has something in his right lower lung - a sound! He was great last Monday! I feel so sick! And he is frustrated. But Dr. Adams listened to him today. I called Dr. Patel's office and relayed what Dr. Adams heard, and they put him on a specific antibiotic today. If he is not a lot better by Wednesday, they want me to take him in again. On top of that, his hip is really hurting; and he cannot run. He is frustrated about that too, but he got some stretches from the trainer tonight. It's hard to watch him work so hard all summer to start school like this. But I reminded him that his races have not started so he has a great base and a little time to get better.

He had senior orientation tonight! Wow! He is taking a tougher load of classes, and I finally let him take some of the level he has wanted to take. He was able to do well last year and did not miss many days. It made me nervous with them on a block schedule and with so many snow days to take certain courses. He is excited about this year and cannot wait to see his friends though he has already said he misses those who graduated ~ there were some great ones!

Peter has orientation tomorrow and Will on Thursday. Then Sam and I have a meeting before school starts. I cannot believe it is August, and school starts next week! I am thankful for all of those doctor appointments that are out of the way.

Thanks so much for the prayers. Andrew has had a harder time with needles on the weekends too. I have too and had to put them all in this last time. I think it's a delayed reaction and also partly because he does not have much fat ~ so literally not much wiggle room! We used longer needles, but the treatment still took three hours exactly. I guess in the back of my mind I am concerned that it may not work at some point. So please pray that they become easier instead of more difficult and that he can do them easily and not think about them as much. Neither of us look forward to doing it on the weekends, and I guess it is wearing on us a bit. More on him, and I try to be upbeat; but Andrew is very straightforward.

Thanks again! Have a great week!
