Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sam's Stuff...Again!

Sometimes it seems Sam cannot catch a break on some things!  His little eyes cross ever so slightly (but enough for people to make comments) when his glasses are off.  But his eye surgery at age 2 was successful, and he can see.  That's what is important - not the insensitive comments.  His teeth have had such a hard time coming in!  He had an extra tooth that garnered lots of comments.  We had the nicest oral surgeon remove it -once we found out it was extra!  Then one big front tooth came in, but in a year and a half the other did not.  That has caused more comments!  We went to an orthodontist who sent us back to the oral surgeon.  In the time that we made the appointment, his other tooth started coming in quickly.  And in the week between the consult and surgery, we literally changed what we were doing; because he no longer needed a slit cut in his gum.  He had two baby teeth removed.  He did not eat from 11:20 the night before until the afternoon of the next day.  His surgery was at 11:00.  He did well until right before.  He did not get the meds until closer to 11:30.  He was hungry, and his blood sugar was on its way down.  But he held on and did well.  He was very sweet and cooperative.  Without moving, he said "Ow, ow, ow" a couple of times when getting the numbing shot.  Such a sweet little brave boy.

We had gone to Walmart before we went, hoping a toy would take his attention from not eating breakfast.  He asked Andrew (who was going to meet us at the doctor) to please go with him.  They picked out a super Nerf gun.  He was so excited and talked all about it in the doctor's office.

After the surgery, we got home; and he had all three brothers hovering over him and checking on him.  The doctor's office called to check on him, and I assured them he was fine.  Then his lip swelled.  It was huge and scary.  No one seemed too concerned, but I gave him his antibiotic (after it swelled) and ice.  I went to help Pete with his cleaning jobs.  Sam had eaten some, so his sugar was okay.  His swelling had not gone down in hours, so I called one of our sweet nurses.  She checked and told me to try a little Benadryl.  He was mostly back to normal today, but it's still puffy.  Pete thinks he bit his lip while everything was numb.

Well, when Mommy went back to Walmart for Benadryl after cleaning, I just got the Lego set he had picked out - too.  He deserved both after such a day.  He was hunched over in his little chair with his lip sticking way out putting together a new Lego set with the directions out in front of him.  Next time I buy something from Ikea, I know who I will get to help me put it together!

Now we hope Sam's teeth will come in like they are supposed to.  We hope this is the last of his "extra" stuff!  We are thankful for those who prayed and checked on him yesterday!  I am thankful for his brothers and their attention and time in taking care of him!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thankful Today

Andrew and I were thankful to be at the neurologist's office and not be able to remember the date of his last seizure which was before the last appointment!  Dr. Crittendon was glad too.  He did a quick neuro exam and then left things as they are.  He said he did not want to talk too much about what we have already talked about, because things are going well.  We had increased a drug that is used with other seizure drugs.  We were at the limit, and then neurologists started pushing that limit up 100 mg and had good results.  So we hope we are at the max.  We still pray for healing and for these to go away and for no medication, but we were all happy in that room today!  Thank you, Lord!

Sam got home (again) before Andrew got to the bus stop!  He was about 40 minutes early getting off today and just walked down our road.  One problem is that a neighbor's dog ran at me and barked aggressively the other night.  I yelled at it, and it stopped; but it kept acting like it was coming after me.  That would terrify Sam.  Andrew was getting ready to walk up the road when he saw Sam.  When he checked Sam, he was 42.  That is very low and can be dangerous.  I am about to give up on the bus except Sam LOVES riding it, and I want him to continue to enjoy the reading camp.  So I think I will just have Andrew go even earlier and call to see if the schedule has been changed.  But I am thankful he got home safely and was not scared.  He is growing up, and I want him to be independent; but with dogs and big cars going way too fast for our road, it scares me a little that he has walked alone down our road twice now.  The bus driver is probably wondering where on earth we are!

He only has one more day this week and then has his teeth pulled and something else on Friday.  Since he cannot eat, we are going to Walmart before we go to the oral surgeon.  There is nothing like Legos or outside toys to play with your brothers to get your mind off breakfast!

Have a great rest of the week!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Church and VBS Today

We started Vacation Bible School tonight at church.  We had a supper and then VBS and just got home a little bit ago.  It was a small group, but I told Pete that I could just feel something wonderful tonight - a chance to speak to at least one child who was ready to listen.  Even though I did not teach tonight, I was thankful for the opportunity to answer a question that was asked and share (along with another teacher) about Jesus.  Pete had to go to Winston for work, so he missed the first night.  I am anxious for him to be there tomorrow.

Pete is doing a series on the church for his first month of sermons at Middle Fork.  He said doing a series is popular right now, so pastors can stick to a point for a few Sundays at least.  Today was on giving.  We had some visitors from Kentucky, but the message was so good for anyone and everyone to hear.  We need to be obedient to God.  We are accountable to God.  The boys and I talked on the way home, and I told them that once you see how God provides, you can trust more and more easily.  It was not prosperity preaching.  In fact, it makes me glad I am not prosperous by earthly standards- too much to keep up with.  And I need to remember all of the times that things seemed so out of reach - one of them being different medicines my children needed - and how God worked it all out.  It doesn't mean I will never worry about money or bills, but I do appreciate the reminder of giving it over and doing what I can not to make it a huge focus or stumbling block in my life.

There are so many ways of giving - other than money.  We did not have time for those this morning, but I was thinking of time and gifts and donations and volunteering.  I think of Christmas time and those who need a card, maybe not even money but just some contact.  I think of hardworking families that don't have any outside help and how we need to look around us and help where we can.  I think of lonely people who need to have lunch or get a card in the mail.  Years ago, I tried to cut down my Christmas card list - or at least the number of people I sent a Christmas picture of my boys to.  It was just not worth it.  I know some of those pictures end up in the trash, but I would rather take that chance than to take away a blessing someone may get.  I know how much I love getting cards and pictures and how much I appreciate it!  We talked tonight about shoeboxes.  And it makes me think about helping people far and wide - in the name of Jesus and trying to reflect His love.  And to give happily and out of the abundance He gives.

I sang in church this morning.  I have not sung in church in years, but Pete asked me to.  I was just trying to be willing.  So I sang "What Love is This?" because the words are beautiful and talk about the love Jesus has for me - that He gave His life for me and made a way for me to know Him.  Andrew is learning to do the sound and did an excellent job.  He knew I was a little wobbly at first, and Pete got up out of his seat and came to stand beside me while I sang.  It almost did me in.  I was already feeling so emotional singing of how much God loves me - me individually.  Like He loves you.  You, individually.  But I tried to get all of the words out because they were important.  I did not look at anyone.  I looked at my words that I have totally memorized.  And I looked up at the beautiful wooden beams like I was looking up at Him.  It was not about me singing - it was about the song sung to Him about His love.  I think the boys had a bet that I would probably cry, but they were mainly joking with me on the way home.  They know why I get emotional, and that is what is important.

I had a chance to talk more to the wonderful people at our new church, and God has blessed me at a time when I felt so resistant.  Change is hard for me.  I trust God, and it's still so hard.  I have felt such turmoil in the past several weeks.  People I depend on seem so far away.  Pete prayed with me yesterday (again on the way to the dump with yet another load - my basement is looking better and better!).  His prayer was right on and so much more than I had shared and told him I needed.  He must be more observant than I have realized the past few weeks - and God laid it all on his heart.  So as we got rid of more "stuff", I also felt some of the weight I have been carrying lift.  It's not all gone, but I know it's going.  I appreciate those who call and check on me.  I feel apologetic for seeming so out of sorts, but they gently remind me to keep trying to get back on track.

I may not be off as much as I think.  Casting Crowns has a song that says your world is not falling apart but falling into place - which I see as a huge puzzle that we cannot totally see.  We trust that what we go through is part of the big picture.  And it talks about God being on the throne and being in control, so we just need to give up hanging onto our burdens.  I think I listened to it five times yesterday.

I promised a little person chicken nuggets.  He is at 150, and I hope he holds that up until bedtime and through the night!  He catches a bus at 6:30 right now for a summer reading program and will not let me take him at a later time.  He loves riding the bus.  He goes Friday to the oral surgeon to have two baby teeth out and a slit in his gums to help his front top teeth come in and space out better.  He seems fine with that.  It will be tricky to keep him at a good number without eating - his surgery is at 11.  But we have planned to sleep in and then go to Walmart for a treat before his appointment so maybe eating won't be too much on his mind!  It can be scary if they are out of it and start dropping, so we appreciate prayers for a smooth time then.

Have a great week.  Thanks for reading this and for praying for our family.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Another Sunday - and more housework while Pete was gone!

Sunday was another good day.  I taught the boys' Sunday School class again.  We did crafts and worked on verses.  It is a sweet time - to be in a class with my two blondies.

I went to children's church with Sam.  Even though I was willing to do it every Sunday that we had more children, the ladies at the church already made up a rotation list!  They were excited about doing it.  I went with Sam because he is still so shy, but he was fine.

Last Wednesday, I did church as Pete was still in California.  I gave part of my testimony and shared Psalm 13.  That Psalm is marked in my Bible for 2005 and September of 2009.  I shared different parts of my testimony from here and there but concentrated on why that Psalm is so important to me.

Pete got home safely Thursday evening, and we were so so happy to see him.  While he was gone, my parents came and painted Andrew's room.  I have always thought it would be neat to decorate a room for a sick child.  I have been gathering up stuff for his room for years - literally.  But we have a huge start now.  Will can trim it out with some molding, and we are looking at new floors to replace very old carpet.  That should help his breathing!  Fortunately, I must have painted his closet when we moved in!  We have his new bedding ready to go.  And Mimi bought him an air conditioner at Sears.  We moved his furniture around, but we did not have much cleaning to do because he keeps a clean, organized room.

Speaking of rooms, Peter's needs the trim and new floors, and he should be set.  Will has a huge L-shaped room.  I have been working on his room - getting extra stuff out.  I added a matching twin bed and have had a great time using old Ralph Lauren bear prints and checks and Americana stuff to cover the beds.  I have had fun looking on ebay and getting a few really good deals.  To see how much our Ralph Lauren sheets are going for - the ones we bought at the Polo Outlet years ago for $5 - is amazing.  Some are new in packages and are now being washed and used.  They are the good, soft, cool cotton.

I rearranged Sam's room and sold one quilt set at my yard sale (which was a neighborhood sale and the best we have ever had!).  I put a new one on and love it.  But now I think I will arrange it similar to the way it was before - with his Lego table under the window.  He has twin beds too, but it's important to have a neat closet and easy to play Lego table(s).

So many other projects to do this summer!  I am thinking of trying my hand at stone laying.  I am secretly hoping someone will hurry and step in - afraid not to!  We have some doors to replace and some bathrooms to finish renovating.  I am excited to get some more stuff done.  We have taken loads to the dump and have lots to donate.

I have gotten a bit off my post, but I can look back at this and remind myself what I was doing this summer! I feel the need to simplify my life, and this has really helped!

We have VBS starting this Sunday.  Pete will miss kick-off - he has a reunion at Gary Chapman's (Love Languages) church in Winston.  One of their Holy Land tour guides is also coming!  Pete should be in town until his Alaskan cruise in August.  Now that would be a treat.  But his favorite trips, of course, are the Holy Land Tours in the fall.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Our Second Sunday

Today was good in church.  I got there and taught Sam and Will in Sunday School again.  Then I sang with the choir, which meant I did not get to talk to Pete much before church.  We were supposed to meet in his office, so I will have to work that out better next week.  Will went with me to teach children's church which just started this morning.  We did well, but I missed the sermon.  Pete let me pick out lots of flannel board sets at The Cornerstone, so that helped a lot.

Peter and Andrew told me that their dad sang (during the sermon).  Andrew said he was confused until he realized he was telling the story of Paul in jail singing praises to the Lord.  Pete is actually doing a series, and today's was on love.  He also filled in for Sunday School and had a lesson on love in there.  I told him he did not tell me he was going to sing!  He never sings!  His point in singing was that we need to sing praises before we are set free from whatever binds us.  That is kind of like my waiting room scenario.

After church, we caught up for just a minute before he took off to Charlotte to the airport.  I am actually waiting to hear that he landed in Los Angeles.  Then he has to drive 1 1/2 hours to a conference.  I hope he slept on his flight!  This was the trip I kind of wished I could take.  But looking at the week ahead, it was just not a good time!

I went back tonight to fill in for the Sunday night service.  It went well, and Andrew went with me.  Sam was in the 30's last week in Sunday School and again today!  We are keeping an eye on him, but he has had some low lows in the last two weeks.  So he stayed home with his other brothers.

We hope to get Andrew's room painted this week.  It has been on my mind for a long long time.  I wish I had the talent and means to create rooms for sick children.  I think that would be so rewarding - to give them a place to rest that they love.  Maybe one day I can work on that.  I just don't have design talent.

Our yard sale was great yesterday, the best we ever had!  It was fun to talk to so many people while getting rid of so much stuff.  And of course, I had those special guests come - my brother and sister-in-law.  I have to make a trip to the donation center this week and one to the dump, and my basement will be so clean!  The tools are yet to be done, but that is a job for another day and another person!

My other special guest was one of my best friends.  Andrew did not see her but knew she had come by the homemade bread on the kitchen island.  I have not felt well at all this weekend, so the bread has been a huge treat.  She has a gift for making bread - that's for sure!

We are still getting our bearings.  I plan to share part of my testimony Wednesday night at church - again, filling in.  I have not given a testimony out loud in many many years.  The more I look back, the more I see clearly is that my testimony is that I cannot do anything without Him.  When I mess up, that is all me!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Thankful Today

I got Andrew's numbers  yesterday.  He was in the 900's, and anything near 1000 is good.  I was thinking that I wish he had been a little higher.  I was wishing he did not have to keep taking the meds.  Then my perspective changed this morning....again.

My mom called to tell me my brother was in an accident.  He has seven staples in his head, a concussion, and I am sure a terrible headache by now.  But he is okay.  He is usually the one helping others, so it is odd to hear he had an accident.  He is so careful and smart.  But accidents can happen to anyone.

He just sent a text saying he felt numb and tingly after the accident, and it scared him.  I did not know that until later.  So he will probably be happy with a bad headache and sore head, knowing his CT scan was clear.

He was in Johnson City when it happened, so he was near a great hospital.

I have not talked to him - only my mom and Laura.  He was securing a strap, I think, when a hook came loose.  He had all of his weight on what he was doing, so it flung him off the back of the dump truck.  I may be giving a terrible description, but it flung him off; and he hit a pole.  And he is very fortunate.

But he knows the Lord was with him.  He knows the One he teaches about and loves and talks about and professes was right there.  He felt him there when he had that fear.  I cannot write much more because I have not talked to him.

So we are all thankful.  And I found as I breathed a sigh of relief and thankfulness that I felt more thankful about other things too.  I noticed more reasons to be thankful.  God is so good.  He is with us even if we don't get out with just a concussion and headache.  He loves us more than we can imagine.

While I am so thankful my brother is going to be fine, I am also so comforted by the One Who is the Great Comforter.   No matter what, He is with me.  No matter what, He loves me.

Happy Weekend.

UPDATE:  My brother and sister-in-law came to my yard sale this morning!  He was not supposed to go to work, so they just drove to Boone.  They talked to us for a while, and he looked a little tired or like he may be hurting a tiny bit when they left.  They were going to grab lunch and head back home.  Since Saturdays are pretty busy at the rock store, it was probably good that Cindy brought him here and he was not tempted to go to work.  Looking at him, you would not be able to tell that he has seven staples in the back of his head.  He has not really had much of a headache and only took pain medicine once yesterday.  Cindy said he felt better after he ate lunch.

He did not fall off the back of the truck.  He was on the ground behind the truck and had secured one strap over a tall load of mulch.  He usually does it one way, he said, but he put all of his weight and leaned back.  It worked well for the first one, but the second one did not.  The strap's hook (that he could not see) came loose, and that flung him back into a metal pole.  He said he wondered why he was crumpled in a ball instead of laid out flat.  The feeling he felt after he got his bearings did not go away.  It stayed long enough for him to wonder IF it would go away.  So he is very thankful.  He was scared to death (which is not a norm for my brother).  He gives all of the credit to God for saving him from something terrible.

He had to get up and find help as he was in a part of the place where no one was.  He wandered out where the trucks were and was asking people for help.  A guy who had been helping him found him.  A lady there took him to the ER at a smaller hospital in Johnson City, so he was in and out quickly.  There were so many people who helped him.

Cindy drove the dump truck loaded with mulch home so the store would have it for their many deliveries.  She has driven it before, so it was nothing to her.

I was so thankful they came over here.  I knew I had to get my eyes on him today, and later I cried from being so happy he is okay.  He may get sore.  He may have some kinks in his neck, but he will be okay.  Praise the Lord!

I love them so much, and it never hurts to be reminded how much we love people and how we always need to pray for each other.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Our First Sunday

Today was Pete's first day as pastor at Middle Fork Baptist Church right near Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock.  He has been preaching there for a few weeks as he finished up responsibilities at our church.  We have been going to Sunday School at our church and Middle Fork for church.  He has not yet been ordained, but that will come soon.

This morning, I went from a class of people younger and a few older than I am to Sam and Will.  We had an informal class, but it was good.  Will quoted the Bible verse we were learning, and I was happy he remembered it so quickly.  Sam has problems reading and retaining things, but he seems better at memorization; so that is something we will work on more.  He asked some great questions and answered some great questions, so I know he has been listening in Sunday School!  He did not feel well, so we checked his blood sugar.  He was 38!  That was the lowest in a while, but he bounced back with some candy and then fell asleep in church while his numbers climbed higher and then dropped again.  If I went from 38 to over 200 to 80 in an hour and a half, I would not feel good either!

We had some friends join us this morning, and I got an encouraging text to help us get started.  It's been a journey already - one I will write about later.  It's been a quick change and very tough in some ways.  But deep down, I have a peace about where God wants us to be right now.  And Middle Fork has treated us as if they have always known us, such a kind and loving group of people.

I thought the last month was a whirlwind with so many activities, responsibilities, changes, extra jobs to do, etc.  This one will be pretty busy too until the middle of the month.  Then, we hope we can settle in more.  Pete is making a trip to California, and I wish I could go with him!  I think being in a new, warm place free to read and rest sounds wonderful.  But the schedule we have is too hard to turn over right now.  And that is okay.  We either glide through time Daddy is gone, or we have some big (BIG) stories to share when he comes home.  California is far away, but it's not as far as Israel!  We trust this will be a gliding time.  And if not, we know Who will take care of us.

I will write more as we start our ministry at Middle Fork.  We are praying and trusting God to show us what we need to see.  And we pray for His guidance.  And we pray we let go of ourselves and make Him our number one priority.  Because in doing so, we want to show His love to draw people closer to Him and to everlasting life.  It's an opportunity to step out and share the good news.  The great news.  The most important news.

Thanks for your prayers!