Monday, August 18, 2014

Andrew Update

Sorry to have so many emails so close together!  But we appreciate you who pray for our boys and check on them!
Andrew got a lot worse before he got any better.  Dr. Adams talked with him and looked at his knee and told him to try some things.  He is actually able to run some - after not being able to walk one night last week.  It was so bad that Sam and I were running things up and down the stairs to Andrew in his room!  He is going to the trainer still and doing everything else he can to try to run.  He just did another two week infusion, and it only lasted less than two hours.  He only adds one site but doubles the medicine, so we think that is great - and no side effects  yet except the meds pooling under his skin.  And (bless his heart), he easily figured out (just with an email from his patient advocate) how to change the syringe over using the same tubing (so his mother did not have to do that!).
Sam ran in the 100's all day yesterday and this morning with an exception of a 43 in Sunday School.  After such a crazy two weeks, it is good to see those numbers and be able to take a breath and know we are on the right track, for now anyway.  And we will take it while we can get it.  We talked to a man at church yesterday who is in his 50's and has had Type 1 since he was two.  It's hard to hear how hard (and scary) it can be, but it was good to see how good that man looks - even after a horrible scare himself last week.  We just keep trying and being thankful for good days and nights.  And we will work harder when the numbers are not good.  We especially appreciate all of the help we get with Sam at school and the supplies that came from a friend the other week (along with "fun" stuff to balance out the test strips!).
Pete had a great trip to Alaska but is so happy to be home - as we are!  One of his amazing stories is about a group of people who work on the ship who came to a midnight Bible study/service.  Eleven gave their hearts to Jesus!  He talked about the beauty of Alaska, but that was the story that gave me chills (and him too)!  We appreciate all of the offers of help while he was gone.  We were able to get everything (extra) done.  The boys helped a ton (whether they always wanted to or not).  But it helps having people on call.
The boys all start school tomorrow!  Sam is fortunate (we are too!) to have Andrew and Peter's fourth grade teacher.  We love her, and Sam was born while Peter was in her class; so she has known him his whole life and has always made a point to talk to him at school.  So he already feels like he knows her and that she loves him.  She has already sent an email to us (parents) telling us how excited she is about the new year.  We feel so blessed, and we are ready for a great year.  So as I send off a fourth grader, a SENIOR, and two college students, I will be praying for them as they start a new year.  Lots of prayers will be going up for Hardin Park, Watauga High School, and Appalachian State too. 
Thanks again for all you do for our family!  I will keep updating our blog - so I don't keep cluttering up inboxes!  Thanks!

"Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Andrew's Doc Appt

Andrew found out Tuesday that he probably has some form of tendonitis.  I know it's frustrating, but I told him at least he had no tears!  His MRI was clear but did show something that could be something inflamed like tendonitis.  He is still running in the pool and biking.  He has put in the work and the miles this summer, so I pray all of his hard work will show this fall.  Otherwise, he seems to feel good.  He started his infusions twice a month instead of four times, so that worked out well.  He was finished with four sites not too long after three sites with half the medicine takes.  I will begin the process of getting his authorization done soon.  They told me last year that I did not need to do anything (my insurance company).  But when left up to them, it did not work out so well.  I read about so many people who have problems getting what they need and should get, and I feel even more thankful for the help God has provided to us in dealing with red tape.  I have been frustrated and felt pretty helpless sometimes at their hands, and so I don't take that help for granted!

Sam has been swinging from over 600 to the 30's since last night.  I think I may have him checked out tomorrow.  He was fine until bedtime last night but then was over 300.  So I gave him some insulin on his sliding scale.  I was more cautious since it was bedtime.  But when I checked him 30 minutes later, he was over 400!  So I gave him a tiny bit more.  Thirty minutes later, he was almost 500!  It was very late by then, and I was really confused.  And I was afraid all of the insulin would kick in at once and drop him too low.  I checked his pen and meter and found nothing wrong.  He finally started coming back down and woke up in the 190's.  He popped up over 300 for Andrew and then over 600!  Andrew was doing what he should.  I came on home, but Andrew had called me on my way to say he was 170.  Finally!  A good (much better) number.  When I got home a little later, he looked gray.  I thought he was high again but was 36!  We just hit a 34 a few minutes ago, so he is eating some snacks with carbs and protein.  In between those, he was either good or over 300.  Sometimes diabetes can be such a pain.  At least he is a sweet little patient.  And he has gotten good at slurping down gogurt in the middle of the night when he is low!  Sam's new puppy was there today when I was checking him and finding those bad numbers.  I told her to pay attention so she could help!  (I know this is long, but my diabetes friends know exactly what I mean.)

All of my boys start school on the same day this year!  Since our county starts later, they all start on the same day which will be good, I hope!  (Traffic!)  We have been getting our stuff together since it is just right around the corner (19th), and the dining room looks like the school section at Walmart.  Sam and I make a trip to Charlotte next week, so we can get his endo appointment out of the way before school starts.  I wish it were tomorrow!  That would be helpful.  I would just hand Dr. Parker his meter and log and ask him to tell me what to do.  He is good about that.

Speaking of doctors.  I have shared my friend Mike's story with a lot of you.  He had leukemia which went to the worst leukemia (ALL), since he had hesitated and turned down the bone marrow transplant.  He had the best doctor near Nashville who literally saved his life.  He got Mike back to the point where he could even have the transplant.  All of that is another story.  It's all a miracle.  It would make you cry and praise God for His work in Mike's life - which has encouraged and affected many over the last 14 (?) years.  Anyway, his doctor who was still helping tons of patients, was killed by a drunk driver yesterday near Nashville.  Please pray for his family and his patients and friends.  And please remember Mike.  When I get tired, I look at how tired Mike got and how he just kept going.  And I can see how God has blessed him in so many ways and used him and his story to help others.  I am so thankful for him, and I am so sorry for the loss of this special doctor who has helped so many.            

Thanks for praying for us.