Andrew had a terrible seizure last Wednesday night. He felt something an hour earlier, so when it came on he knew to come on downstairs and had time to find me and tell me. I am so thankful that Pete was able to help him while I called. I could not get my land line to work, so I called on my cell and was transferred; and it took forever. Thankfully, he started breathing after the medicine kicked in. He slept until almost 10 the next morning after getting up at 3 to get ibuprofen He was so tired for a few days. But he seems better now.
It was tough. He had gone since October this time And it's disappointing and scary. We are going to look into getting him a dog. We are not sure if it will help if he only has one or two seizures a year, but we are going to look into it. I stayed home the next day with Andrew and Sam. Sam put Lucy on the bed with Andrew, and he reached over every once in a while and just patted her. I think she was a great comfort to him. And she was happy to sleep on Pete's pillow!
Then Andrew had his time trial not even a week later, on Monday night. He was fifth on the team for the 5000 on the track. I wrote down his splits and knew he changed his form the last lap or so. So I reminded him of the fatigue he should still have, and that probably made a difference. He ran a great time and place, but I could see when his form faltered. So we will just pray he has no more problems and will have a great cross country season. He has worked hard and run many many miles this summer.
We are going to a Carolina Panthers game Saturday. We have never been, and one of his doctors offered him tickets. The same one who emailed me and thanked me for the Bear article and said he was framing it for his office wall. I have tried to talk to Andrew lately about all of this being part of his testimony and that I have only been sharing it all of these years until he was ready. He laughed and told me he appreciates that.
In the midst of all of this, we have changed all of Sam's insulin - literally. We are seeing some great numbers now, but he has to be checked once or twice in the middle of the night for lows. And we are finding lows. I have decided he needs 1/2 units of Lantus (the 24 hour insulin), but we cannot do that unless we go back to syringes. And I am just not up for that. He started school this week with some anxious things, but I think he likes it and is doing fine so far. He will have his special reading teachers and classes soon, and we have to get back on a good schedule for checking him at school. But the first couple of days have been good. I am so thankful for those at school who really go out of their way to help him and learn how to help him. I wish I could give them all raises and new cars.
Peter had an MRI on his shoulder last Friday, and we get results Monday. It's been hurting for a few months, so we hope it's just tendonitis and not anything big. I have become an expert at wrapping an ice pack on him shoulder since his dad could not do it.
Will started back on Tuesday to finish his English. He has already had one big obstacle, and I am so thankful for the way he handled how he was treated. I was not happy. I did not like what happened, but maybe it will pave the way for more positive things the little bit of time he is at the school. He is working with our neighbors, and we have seen him more. Things have changed, and he is seeking out those he knows care for him. And God has people waiting and willing. And I am so thankful for all of that. I wish he was at home, but I know where he is and it's a lot better than not long ago. He still needs a lot of prayers, and I believe he appreciates them.
Pete finished his PT but continues to work out in the pool and at home. He is doing great, and we are very thankful. He has a way to go, but he works hard. Too hard sometimes. We are so thankful for that too.
The other morning when I woke up, I had a hymn running through my head about trusting Him. Then that Brooklyn Tabernacle song, "Still I Will Trust Him" was running through my head. I remember many years ago sitting in that church and it being so different than anything I had been to before. And then I remembered that Will was with me. He was not yet born, but he was there too. And I knew in my heart that God really is right with him. I mean, I know that. But the last several months have almost killed me And tonight as I walked and looked up at the beautiful sky, I knew I had passed midnight finally.
I have to go with Pete for another stroke check up tomorrow. And I need to get Sam's insulin filled - the new one that is not stocked up in the fridge. I have to get Andrew's labs so his authorization will go through for his infusion meds. I need to check on his seizure meds authorization. I have to stay on the insurance company to process their stuff so I can get some of my money back and put it towards their other bills. I have to see what is wrong with Peter. And this is not a hard couple of weeks. But I took a breath, like someone told me to today, because God is in control. And these busy things are good. Things are better when we pass that midnight hour. And it may come again, but it will be one more time that I remember that God got me through.
Lamentations 3:22-23King James Version (KJV)
22 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
God is faithful. He is merciful. His mercies are new every morning.
Thanks for praying for our family.