Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Long Overdue Update!

 After I broke my leg, things came to a standstill of sorts!  I felt behind in absolutely everything, but I also felt God's hand on me keeping me from getting too agitated with all my limitations!

We flew to Colorado in June for Peter and Julianna's wedding.  I was treated differently at the different airports, and I appreciated those at the airports and on the flights who asked how they could help.  I was able to get to my seat by holding onto seats - with gloves!  Dwayne and Whitney drove out to meet us, so they were our tour guides.  We spent some quality time with Julianna and Peter and her family.  The wedding was beautiful, and we are so happy Julianna is officially in our family!  They came home in August and had a celebration at Sky Retreat.  It was beautiful too, and more family got to see them dressed up in their wedding clothes!

I was cut off from physical therapy at the very beginning of August - no tapering, no plan.  Just cut off!  The hospital and my insurance did not do well there.  I was still using a walker.  I used Youtube to figure out how to walk with crutches and then a cane.  I am still using a cane.  I go to the pool to swim and do PT three times a week.  I still am making a little progress, but I am anxious to ditch the cane and walk on the Greenway with my friends!

We got to celebrate Christmas with Peter and Julianna at their visit in January.  We got snowed in and played Monopoly and watched movies.  And ate.  And they all walked in the snow.  It was over too soon, but we will see them again soon!

Andrew's Duke video came out today, and we are taken back to 2018 and all of the time leading up to that.  It was not an easy time, and it's wonderful to see him sharing in that way of his - to help others.

You can find it here:

"I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." Psalm 9:1