Friday, December 10, 2010

"Christmas Letter"

It's beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas! There is snow and more coming! The houses have wreaths on the doors and Christmas trees lit up in the windows. And the Christmas music on the radio (only Christian radio for me) ~ one of my favorite parts!

As I reflect on this past year, I see clearly how thankful I should be and am. We have come so far since last fall. And though I am still relieved when I wake up each morning to find each child is fine, I know it can get much better than this if I let it (let God).

A couple of weeks ago, I left early in the morning to meet "the girls" for a Christmas shopping trip. I listened to my music and then started talking to God. I can just talk out loud in the car. And I cried...and cried...and cried. So much for the carefully applied tiny bit of eye make-up! It was Katelyn's birthday, and she would be 19. I always get emotional - each of those 19 years - remembering that precious little bundle. And I always want to be closer to God and pull myself back to Him when I take the time to think of her and the impact on my life. She is one the top ten in my whole life for sure! So I cried and talked and sang and felt a "good" worn out by the time I got there. I gave Whitney a gift to celebrate and remember the special day. I know Dwayne especially loved the Snoopy stuff in the bag and the "Away in a Manger" Christmas plate, because they just don't have enough things like that at their house! It was a special day to spend with my sister and other special people. We don't even have to talk about Katelyn - we all know what we felt and what we remember. And we are all better for knowing her.

As we approach December 22 (too quickly - date AND year!), I flash back for the last 17 years since I first became a mom. Andrew was such a good baby. He was gentle and quiet, and everyone loved him. He was well behaved and easy to get along with. He has grown and endured so much in his years. We are so thankful we were chosen to be his parents. He is doing well right now - and we are looking forward to him growing and getting where he needs to be. He has a doctor's appointment next week, and then we will probably go to see an immunologist after the first of the year. This is something the pulmonologist has recommended after reviewing Andrew's unbelievably long chart. He has been studying in the library about auto-immune issues! He called and talked to me day before yesterday. So we will continue to try to take care of Andrew's things as they come and try to be a little ahead of things. I just have to keep remembering that God is right with Andrew and loves him even more than we do. I cannot even begin to explain emotions I have had dealing with Andrew. I have been frustrated, sad, scared...But he is moving right along. As he gets older, I appreciate this about him even more.

Peter and Will continue to help a lot with Sam - and Andrew does also. They help me so much on snow days ~ and we have already had a week of "run throughs" this week. Peter makes me cookies and chocolate milk and loves to tease with me a little bit. He is like he has been his whole life - easy to get along with and good about including most others. He has hair that women spend millions to get each year. He is really growing in a lot of ways - and I am excited to see what he does the next couple of years.

Will is either hunting, building, working, or bothering one neighbor or another. He would be my choice of my luxury item if I ever go on Survivor. He is very matter of fact and innovative like his daddy. He still checks Sam's blood sugar each day before lunch and gives me lots of peace of mind that he is at the same school. I don't know what I will do without him there next year! He is running some, and we are tickled but not pushing him to run at all. I would love to see what he could do with some training. He is one tough child.

Sam is doing well. He also goes to the doctor on Tuesday ~ if we can get out of town to get to Charlotte with this snow storm coming! We are anxious to see what his average blood sugar has been. He has just had to increase one insulin - which is hopefully because he is growing. He is getting much taller and has the same long legs as his daddy. But he is so skinny still! When he gets a little more meat on him, it will be much easier to give shots. But he is very tolerant and learning more about taking care of himself every day. He loves kindergarten but does better with a smaller group. He is much like Andrew at school but has a lot of the same Peter and Will traits too! They love him so much - we all do!

Pete is in Housing Operations at Appalachian still. I have been gone from Admissions for a year now - but some people are just now noticing! I love my job at the pediatrics' office and love the flexibility, very low stress, and part-time hours. It has been so good for all of us.

Pete continues to work on our house. We have one more bathroom to renovate and one to finish. He has taken a break to work on outside projects. This house should keep him busy for a while which is a good thing. It was so hard to leave our new house when we did - after working on it for three years. And it seemed to be harder later. I have worked through all of that, but I know what it is to let go of material things on this earth. "Less is more" is my brother's motto, and I have taken that on in a lot of ways too. I have been getting rid of "things" for a year now - and it feels so good! I feel the need to simplify my life so I can focus on what is most important. I am reading Dave Ramsey's book - finally. I found it at the $5 bookstore for $8.99. I love to hear him on the radio, and Mike Grigsby has told me about him for years. I think this year will have a lot less financial stress, and I am looking forward to that!

Pete has planned an extra special vacation for us over Christmas. I will write about it when we get back. We are going to be in three different modes of transportation and covering a lot of territory. We are rolling a lot into a week, and I pray that this time will be so special and precious to my little family. Kathy Kistner wrote a letter talking about the best Christmas gifts, and I want us to say one of our best was the one we all spent together. Our family is not like anyone else's. Every family has their unique qualities, and I would gladly trade some of ours; but who am I to know what God has for us. And I may not see it in this lifetime, so I will continue to trust (this being a daily decision). Nichole Nordeman has a song that says: "If I had the chance, to go back again, take a different road, bear a lighter load, tell an easy story. I would walk away with my yesterdays and I would not trade what is broken for beauty only." (Sunrise) She goes on to say she would not know the morning if she did not know midnight.

I have a whole book in my head about the waiting room and waiting and being on edge. And one day I will write it down. It's stuck right now. But God has told me over and over and over again to live - not just sit. And live while I am waiting. It's amazing how many songs have come out in the last two years about waiting on God. And Reverend Thrasher sent me something about learning to dance in the rain. I am learning and try to read more. When my Bible is open, I am so thirsty. It's my responsibility to get it open more often - and I have. The closer I am to Him - the farther away the hurts and circumstances feel. It's amazing.

I will write more soon. I want to say Merry Christmas to each one who reads this. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. He came for each one of us, and He loves each one. If you do not know Him, please meet Him right now. He died for each one of us - not as just a collective group. So He knows you and loves you and wants you to have eternal life. It's all free. You just have to believe who He is (the Son of God) and that He died on the cross to save us from sins (that we cannot save ourselves from) and accept the gift of salvation that He freely offers. And then your life will change.

Merry Christmas! If you have not been in touch for a while, we would love to hear from you and see how you are! We love and appreciate our dear friends and family!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this sweet letter Wendi. I feel like I have had a visit with you. Merry Christmas to your family and blessings to you all in the New Year.
