Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Quick Update!

Sam's appointment in Charlotte went much better than I had expected yesterday. His a1c was down almost a whole point and in a much better range. I told Dr. Parker it's hard to work so hard for a "C". He told me yesterday was an A+. But I told him we do the same stuff and never know what the number will be. So we talked about what to do, and we do those things. So he really encouraged me and said some things that others have told me - so maybe it will stick better! (Some of you know I was really anxious and discouraged about all of the diabetes stuff!)

We got to shop for some stuff we needed to find, and that was fun. We did not do much, but Sam says Pottery Barn Kids is his favorite store! He looked at Lego books while I looked in the store! One of the girls helped me with a purchase, and she also showed me how to make a bed the way they make them in the store. I just always want to crawl right in one because they look so comfortable!

So Sam is squared away with his numbers for the time being. We will get his new lenses for his glasses today - not as strong and thinner. He was sick off and on all last week with something that made his side hurt and made him run a fever one day. So he missed more school which is not a good thing for him. But we worked and worked at home, and he finally has mastered something he has worked on for months.

Andrew is still coughing a little bit. He had two antibiotics three weeks ago together, and they stopped working. So we called his pulmonologist, and the doctors started him on another, stronger antibiotic. This one can make you tear or pull something easily, so he has taken off two weeks from running. He is almost done with it, so the cough bothers me a lot - even though it's little compared to what it was.

The good thing is that his thyroid labs are finally normal. His new seizure drug is almost in a good range, so hopefully he can start cutting the other. His liver labs were good, but they need to stay where they are and not go up. I try not to think about that too much. He is usually in a great mood and is almost finished with his freshman year at Appalachian!!!! He loves most of his classes and has worked very hard. I cannot say enough about how Appalachian has worked with him and for him. It has been the best place for him - and so many different people have been a great part of that.

Peter goes back to the foot doctor at the end of May, and we are hoping he will get out of that brace sooner than later. He was interviewed for the radio last week. Since he is going to Appalachian, he answered questions about his dad, mentioned his aunt, and talked about Andrew. I am excited to hear it. He is thankful to have a place to start running again, and Sam and I have started college shopping for him.

Will is doing better in some places where he has struggled this year. He continues to be a big help to me, and I continue to try to keep up with him and help him keep his commitments and responsibilities (as opposed to just being frustrated with him all of the time). He has had a taste of success, and I think he likes it!

Pete just got back from Israel last Thursday. He had a great trip, but he was ready to get home. We missed him more this time, I think. I know I had a harder time with him gone. We are thankful he was a huge help on his trip and that he was safe and got home when he was supposed to!

Thanks for praying and asking about the boys. They really helped me a lot while he was gone - without me having to ask. Doing Pete's cleaning jobs and taking the trash to the dump were the hardest "extra" tasks to have in an already busy week. But they took turns helping and taking care of Sam. I am so thankful for them.

Have a great week! Thanks again for praying!

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