Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Two Appointments and a Quick Update

Sam and Andrew had appointments in Charlotte yesterday.  Andrew had two scheduled for the end of this month, but we had to reschedule one due to the doctor's schedule.  So he went with us yesterday!

Sam's day started off great with a break at Target before his appointment.  He gets a "surprise" (as he calls it) for going to the doctor.  So he was excited to pick a new Lego set.  His dad kept teasing him when he came home -saying that I had gotten it for him (Daddy).  But Sam knew that he gets something to help break up a long day.

His appointment was good.  His a1c is up a little bit, but his numbers have been totally out of whack lately.  So we talked about what I had already changed and changed a tiny bit more (since I had already made some pretty big changes over the last two weeks - with some nurse help).  It was good to show the log book and the numbers and show how frustrating it all can be.  Dr. Parker was a real encouragement yesterday and understood what I was asking and my concerns - since he works with this all of the time!  He thinks we are already on a much better track.  But he warned me (again) that things will change as Sam turns 10.

We left there and ran to South Park mall for a quick lunch.  They have a huge Apple Store now where Andrew likes to go look now, and Sam and I were able to run in a few of my favorite places.  We had my friend's GPS again, so it got us to Andrew's appointment at least 20 minutes faster than my route!

Dr. Black said Andrew's lungs are at 120% - which is amazing, he said, considering all of the infections and problems he has had.  He said that most of us are at 100%.  He is so happy Andrew is doing well.  I told my Sunday School class Sunday that Dr. Black probably saved Andrew's life - that he may have died from pneumonia by now if he had not helped find his immune system problems (that are treated by another doctor).  We appreciate him so much.  Andrew was worn out when we left as they had a new machine to measure lung function, and he had to do his breathing several times before it worked.  He may have even better than 120%, but he told the nurse that he wanted to keep trying so his numbers were good!

We then went to a couple of my favorite places before heading back and stopping at Birkdale Village at the bookstore for Andrew.  Sam and I were using a coupon to buy him some jeans, and the registers were messed up at that store; so that gave Andrew a little more time to look around.  I wish we had a big bookstore closer.

It was a good day.  It was full of information, but I returned home thankful that they are both doing well.  We take these things for granted  until we get hit with something, and I am able to see how thankful I should be when things are running pretty smoothly.

We are still in Joshua in my Sunday School class.  What great reminders that God is with us all of the time and that HE can do the impossible.  It also reminds us to seek Him for guidance and not just fly off on our own.  And as Toby says, God is already there.  He already knows what we will face.  What a great feeling to know He walks beside us.  And not only beside me, but beside my children as well - as they go off and are not always with us.  Especially when "normal" things happen, I need to remember to turn to Him and give it to Him and wait for Him to tell me what to do.  I woke up one morning last week and knew I should do something for one of my children, and it turned out better than I thought.  And I think that child knew I had prayed and appreciated my little bit of help.

I enjoyed graduations for two of my children but am happy to have a break this year.  I have listened to this Natalie Grant song a lot lately and may have already shared it.  It talks about turning our children over to Jesus to take care of them.  I listened to it yesterday coming back in the car when the boys (who say they cannot sleep in the car when it's daytime) were both sound asleep.  It's sweet and makes me cry, but it's so true.

Have a great rest of the week!

"When I Leave the Room"  (Natalie Grant)  *** I should have known Nichole Nordeman helped write this!  She is great!

 Good night
 Looks like we made it through the day
 The moon sighs
 And I know that we're okay

Sleep tight
 I love to watch you drift away
 I would come with you but on my knees I'll stay

Good night
 Five little fingers holding mine
 Take flight
 Into your dreams and lullabies

There's nothing more that I can do
 But just fall more in love with you
 And ask the angel armies to stand by
 When I leave the room

I'm gonna fail you
 I already have
 Ten thousand times
 I will fall down flat

You'll have a seat in the front row
 Of everything I don't know
 And all I'm trying to be
 You'll see

Good night
 There will be storms that we come through
 In time
 We will slay dragons me and you

I'll always wanna hold you tight
 Keep you safe with all my might
 So I will leave Jesus next to you
 When I leave the room

And you will run ahead
 As if you know the way
 And I will pray more
 Then one should have to pray

There will be words we can't take back
 Silences too
 And I'll be on my knees
 You'll see

One night
 When I am old and unsteady
 You'll want me to fight
 But I'll tell you that I'm ready

When there's nothing left to do
 I will still be loving you
 Then you'll fold your fingers into mine
 And I will let Jesus hold you tight
 When I leave the room




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