But God really pressed it on me that we should go ahead and do the transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). Just as He had pressed my uncle to call me this morning. So I told Pete that, and he reluctantly agreed. He is not a good patient...at all. But he did agree - after I followed him around the house for a little while awaiting his answer. Right after I got a yes, I called the doctor's office; and the nice lady I talked with will talk with the doctor about setting it up. Sometimes when someone has been through as much as Pete has, they cannot make the best decisions; because they are tired. So I am thankful he agreed.
This test will look at the back of his heart and look for a hole. If he has one, it can be repaired - a mechanical problem. If he has one, it is letting clots go through; so they are free to travel to his brain. And he can have more strokes just from this. If he doesn't have it, then we can continue with his meds and know we are doing what we should - as far as we can know. Since he has had so many strokes before, I know we need to check further.
So please pray for guidance and good and accurate information with tests. And a somewhat cooperative patient who will realize that sometimes we are not in a place for the obvious reasons but for a divine reason.
Thanks so much. We so appreciate the prayers.
We practiced the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" tonight. The words are old, but they are so true. If you don't know the story behind this song, it's worth a google check. Here are words with extra verses not in my hymnal. What assurance and peace we can have. And though this week has been hard (not just Pete), I keep turning it over to God. And though I may cry and hurt, I know He is in control. It does not have to be easy, but there is hope and peace that can only come through Him.
"It Is Well With My Soul" Horatio G. Spafford
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