Wednesday, June 30, 2010

VBS Week

Sam has had a great time going to TWO Bible schools this week. He got sick yesterday morning right after I dropped him off with Will at one, so I turned around and went to get him. He felt well enough to go to another last night and had quite a time. I have never seen him sing and dance so much - especially in front of other people! Today he woke up with a really low blood sugar and then ran high all day (that's why diabetes is so hard sometimes!), so I kept him home tonight. He had a high protein dinner, and we will see if that will offset some of these numbers. I fix him those things, but he tends to eat the carbs instead of the protein; but not tonight! He really like scrambled eggs with cheese on them and fried ham. It makes it easier that he is not a juice drinker, and he loves water. When Sam was a baby, Dr. Adams suggested I give him some water at certain times in his bottle so he would get used to the taste. He is one of my best water drinkers, and that is soooo important now. I need to remind Dr. Adams he did that with Sam but none of the others! God was already preparing us!

Will has been gone the past two days - yesterday to the auction with Chad and Bobby and today and tonight with a friend. He did so well yesterday - calling me the minute Sam looked funny and checking him and staying right with him until I came. I told Pete that Will can sense things, and Sam listens to him and does what he says. I am so glad Will will be at HP next year with Sam. So thankful.

Peter's hamstring is hurting him some, so I don't know about The Bear for him. Andrew has been running very consistently. He is really working hard again this summer. I hope his race next week is great. In two weeks, Andrew has three doctor appointments on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Only one is in Charlotte, so we are thankful for that! That might be a fun boys and Mommy trip! I just want Andrew to have a GREAT race. Last year he worked so hard only to see it all fall apart at the end. He handled it better than I did, but it's hard to see him struggle so. I was not even sure I should have let him run some races he ran, but he was determined. I just wish somehow he could have been rewarded or recognized in some way for his efforts. Not many people could do what he did on Saturdays after suffering so many seizures and upsets in a week. And then there was the week that he started a new medication and somehow lost his body heat - in a scary way. I don't want to dwell on these this year, but I hope he can see some rewards from his hard work. That is why I am extra thankful for his Bear run last year. I know he has that in him, and I know God let us get a glimpse of it.

Signing off now. It's been a much cooler day in Boone, and we are all thankful for that!

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