Saturday, January 22, 2011

The SAT and other things

Andrew took his first SAT this morning! He was exhausted yesterday, and Pete wonders if the night before he may have had a small seizure. He told us he tried to run, but 10 minutes into it his legs were so heavy. He perked up this morning at West Caldwell when he saw a few of his friends. I stayed around the Hickory/Lenoir area just in case he needed me. I had given my cell number to those in charge of the test. Then I took him for a great lunch at Cook-Out on the way home! So glad they have one in Lenoir now! And we are thankful for good roads and just cold weather - no sleet, snow, or ice! He thinks he did fine on the math, and the reading was harder. Now he knows how to prepare more for it! I am so glad he went ahead and took it. No matter what the score, he has this first one done and can go from here.

Sam is doing better - I hope! His numbers are pretty good, and we have done pretty well giving him the correct amount of insulin before he eats. He has had some low numbers as we have feared, but he has been able to get back up to normal quickly. He has also popped way up a couple of times with no clear explanation. It is like studying for a test and failing it! It is a constant discouragement right now. But today I felt a little of the discouragement and frustration lift a little bit. These are our boys, and God will help us take care of them.

Will got braces this week, and Sam saw them and said, "Will, they are bootiful!!!!" It made Will smile very broadly when I think he may have been not smiling most of the day. We think we already see a difference, and that is exciting. His teeth have been a little sore but nothing like mine when I had braces! I had/have the best little brother. After not eating all summer because of 10 teeth being pulled/cut out by an oral surgeon to get me ready for braces, I was as skinny as a rail. I had exactly one steak before I got my braces and rubber bands! I could not even touch my teeth they hurt so badly. Russell made me Tollhouse cookies, and I was so hungry but hurting so badly. I could take the warm cookies and tear them apart and "chew" them up by pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, carefully avoiding my teeth! While it was not ideal, they tasted so good.

Andrew and Peter FINALLY finished exams at the high school. Evidently, it was a surprise each day as to which exam they would have - due to changed schedules due to delays and more missed days. But they are done and will start their new semester when they go back to school - hopefully on Monday! I hope these second semester teachers can plan better for snow days at home! Some do, and some don't!

I remember taking my first SAT in the 7th grade for a Johns Hopkins study. There were some younger students there today taking theirs for Duke Tip. I remember that one better than the one I took in high school! This one boy kept whining about "little kids" at his SAT. One of my friends, one of the "little kids", scored high enough to use for college apps if she had wanted! The only thing I remember about the one I took in high school was the boy behind me kept rocking my seat the whole time. Since we were not supposed to talk, I could not tell him to stop. It almost drove me crazy! I took my score and decided it was good enough and never took it again!

I think we are about ready for spring! Last year, Pete and I were bringing in wood from the yard on Valentine's Day. This year, it will be a bit earlier. But we are thankful we have the extra wood and can replenish this summer. We are also thankful we don't have the huge oil bills we have had in the past, and our electric bill has been great. For such a cold winter, we feel very fortunate and blessed. We know that some are getting those huge fuel bills as we have in the past, and we know what provision is.

Happy rest of the winter! We hope to see the sun more soon! I am so happy to be able to see the roads and grass today! It's very exciting after missing them for so long!

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