Monday, May 2, 2011

Andrew's treatment

Andrew will have his first treatment at home on Monday late afternoon. I am sorry we missed spring break for this first one, but the Charlotte nursing agency did not even call until Friday mid-morning. We will do this each week, and we hope to be able to do it ourselves after a couple of times with help.

It's a relief to start it, but it is very very overwhelming. I was never meant to be a nurse! I used to turn green trying to visit people in the hospital! Little did I know how many hospitals I would visit later on in my life. But God has worked that out - I no longer turn green and feel sick just walking in the door! We will be working with needles, tubing, a pump, and drawing up medicine (my worst fear), so we appreciate your prayers.

Then we go back to the doctor on Thursday and will see what his numbers do. I hope that they go up quickly and that we can see a marked improvement in him.

Andrew and Peter are on their way home from Richmond tonight. Sam and I went to see Laura off to her senior prom. She was just beautiful, and we were so glad we went. On the way, we passed a bad area right before Abingdon. There was terrible devastation, but there were tons of trucks there with people working to cut up huge fallen trees and work on houses that were damaged. It was enough to make me cry, but I thought of how wonderful the obvious outpouring of love and help from friends and neighbors. It made me thankful again that the storms did not hit us. It was good to keep busy today. I enjoyed seeing lots of family and friends.

Thanks again for the prayers. We appreciate them so much!


It's done, and we are exhausted. The nurse had trouble getting here, so we started at 8:30 instead of 4:30! It's a tedious process - setting it up. I have to use a huge syringe and draw the medicine from three vials, so it's like the beginning of Sam's diabetes in that way. Everything is just huge sized. But then there is the tubing, the needles, the pump, the clamps, the prepping, etc. Wow. I am overwhelmed. I know I can learn to do it though. But right now I have a giant headache.

Andrew seemed to do well. His major problem is no fat - and not enough extra skin to pinch. He had three sites. One in his leg, and two in his stomach. His leg puffed up in a knot, so we turned that one off for a bit. It took a good two hours to infuse. I hope he sleeps well. I think we are both worn out.

It makes all of the difference to have a tolerant, uncomplaining young man as the patient.

Please pray for Sam too. His numbers are swinging from low 40's to over 400 and then from low 50's to over 600. They come right back down, but this is after he has had the insulin he needs. All of the pens work, so I have been stumped. He was better today - just off a little bit. The doctor said we would have times we could not figure out. This probably is not the best week for him to do this!!

Thanks for asking and, most of all, praying. We will do it again next Monday. And Andrew goes to Charlotte Thursday to the doctor.

Thanks again!


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