Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Week this week!

So far we are having a good week! Pete is out of town all week for training for work. Sam's strep that made him very sick Friday and Saturday is getting better. It's amazing what a bite here and a sip there with lots of prayer and a few grapes will do for low blood sugar. Will's strep test today was negative, but he got some good rest today after I picked him up early from school. Andrew and Peter are doing well.

Today marks two years with diabetes in our family. It's ironic that I visited the ICU at WMC to check on someone today, and I almost got lost going back to the elevators. It's been a little while! Yet, I can still remember sitting in that chair. I was so tired. Every time I closed my eyes when things were calm...the diabetes educator would appear. I began to dread to see her coming. It's hard to learn when you are overwhelmed and exhausted. But we had to do it. I still remember when one of my dear friends from work came by to bring Sam some goodies. She was there to see me check his bsl for the first time. Sam and I both cried! I remember when Pete texted me late one night to say he had given Sam his first shot with the syringe. And yes, we came home with a vial of insulin and tiny syringes! Pens are the best invention ever! I remember all of the visitors Sam had during the day. And I know I missed a lot when I went home at night. What a few days! So thankful to be on this side! We could not have done it without all of the prayers, help, encouragement, and support! I remember wanting badly to rewind back to the week before and have more time without diabetes. I would still give it back if we could. But I am thankful for all of the new things available to make life better with this disease.

Andrew is doing well. We just went over some of his AP History information for a test tomorrow. I kept thinking, "YES!" when he was telling me the difficult information off his notes. He has struggled so much with remembering what he studies, and I know things are so much different now. I am so happy about this! It seems his little brother may be having some of the same struggles earlier, so I hope we can figure that out soon. And Andrew just applied to Appalachian! He is excited, and we need to go over his information from the college fair to see what to do next. I tread carefully with this. As an Admissions person for 20+ years, I know most of what to do; but we are taking our time and doing what he needs. We got his senior proofs today. Laura and I both said we could not believe it at the same time ~ even though she was doing this last year!

So September 20th is an anniversary of sorts for us but also a time to be thankful. September 22nd was much worse, but everyone made it through that night too! It is amazing to look back and see what He has done in our lives.

Charles Stanley was talking about salvation tonight on WMIT (I think). He was talking about our individual gifts of salvation. Whatever stands in the way of us accepting that gift individually will not be a "good enough" excuse when we stand before Him. I keep thinking of everything we try to figure out and put into our "boxes" so we can believe. Does it matter that we don't understand everything? I have figured out (by now) that we do not have to - and we cannot anyway. How in the world can I ever think my mind can even begin to understand all of the good and wonderful things (and also the impossible to understand horrible things)? One of the boys has had to study another religion in one of his classes and said it was "too deep." He was telling me some of it and said he got lost. No wonder! Sometimes we try so hard to explain away the simple gift opting for something difficult and complex. But Charles Stanley reminded me how simple it is and how personal and how wonderful tonight.

Thanks again for everything!


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