Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

It's hard to believe it's almost Christmas time again! The year just flew by!

We have so much for which to be thankful. And that is my thing to remember - counting my blessings. The same day my friend Paula reminded me of this recently, I also read about it in one of my devotionals. So no matter what comes, I can still see the blessings around me. When things tip over or tilt or seem scary or frustrating, I am still blessed. When I look at certain people, my life seems so hard. But when I look at others, my life does not seem quite so tough. I know God wants me to look at where I am and appreciate where I am and do my best where I am. So many things creep in and bother me and keep me from being what God wants me to be where I am. So I am trying not to let them creep in!

It's hard to believe Andrew is a senior this year! Andrew was diagnosed with a severe immune system deficiency in the spring. A pulmonologist asked to see his medical records last year and referred us to a new immunologist in Charlotte. That doctor saw Andrew in February and ran some tests. The test results were "alarming" he said. Andrew's labs were rerun a week later and came back the same. The doctor said that he has never seen someone up walking around with those numbers. Not only was Andrew up walking around, but he was going to school and running! We went to the children's hospital in Charlotte for his first IVIG treatment. Then we had a home health nurse to come and show us how to do the infusions at home once a week so we would not have to go monthly to get them - so he would not miss school. He has recently taken over the treatments that neither of us thought we would ever be able to do! The plan is to keep a check on his numbers which are hovering right near the normal range and try to go without the replacement in a year or two. We pray that this is the case. They want to diagnose him with CVID, but they cannot because he keeps not following the norm - which in this case is a huge blessing! He still fights some other issues, but he has done better. We just pray for the IVIG to be temporary and for him to grow! I think the growing would show that he is overcoming all his body has to fight and fight for.

Sam is doing well with his diabetes. He is sometimes up and down and, literally, all around. But he is cooperative, and we just keep trying. He has excellent care at school, and the boys still do a lot for him. It is tough and never ending, but he is accepting of it. He has some other issues that have not been defined, but we trust that they will go away after a while and not cause him any problems. He is growing and loves to watch his brothers run. He ran his first cross country race and won a medal in his age group! Will ran with him, and he loved it and kept asking when his next race would be. I am thankful he is healthy and can run!

Will is a freshman this year and was our third boy on the cross country team! He ran well and did well giving up his afternoons every day to practice. He still enjoys many things ~ hunting, working, biking, running, playing with Sam, visiting, and many others.

Peter is a junior and ran too, of course. He had some really good races, but I know he has some great ones in there still! He helps me a lot, but he also loves to spend time with his friends. He is very anxious to get his license soon!

We appreciate all of those who pray for our family and encourage us in so many different ways. We are truly blessed. Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

May the One whose birth we celebrate bring you the peace that only He can bring ~ from the sacrifices He made for each one of us! We pray that those who have not accepted His free (to us) gift of salvation will see clearly that they need it this season and will happily accept it!

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