Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekend Getaway!

We just got back (this evening) from a weekend getaway. Get away from what? Well, lots of things. The every day routine, the on and on responsibilities, the hurt feelings, the overwhelming things of every day life and life, the insurance company, the feelings of hopelessness, the weight of the world, the weariness that has set in...

But I did not want to just get away from my family! They were probably happy for a little break though!

I started off on Friday afternoon right after lunch. I borrowed Andrew's truck so I could leave my van at home and took off with my bag of weekend clothes and anticipation for a fun weekend. It was fun...but so much more.

On the winding road to Damascus, I listened to some Christmas music and then to Casting Crowns' new CD ~ Come to the Well. Well, that did me in. I heard the words of one song and just crumpled and cried off my little bit of make up! The song talked about all God has done for us, but we just keep on and on trying to do it ourselves. We can come to the well and get our thirst quenched, fill that empty spot, and be ready to be a spring in the desert. When he gave the analogy of a child needing rest, I realized that that is me! I know I am a child of God. I just have not been acting like one! I try to go it alone. I try to be brave and figure out and fix and be ahead and...I am so worn out. It was such a relief and such a weight off my shoulders. I felt tired but renewed. Exhausted but rejuvenated. I felt hopeful. I resolved to remember the feeling!

After leaving Bristol, we drove straight to Susan's new place on the river near Cookeville. It was beautiful - set out in the dark night, a light shining to welcome us. It's a resort. A retreat. A place where one could really talk to God without many distractions. Lisa worried about coyotes and Big Foot and whatever else comes out of the woods after dark, but I knew deep down she could feel the special atmosphere too. She did make me sleep closest to the door! (Because she knew I did not mind!).

After a great night's sleep - even after a "sound" woke up everyone but me, we had eggs, bacon, and toast in the picnic shelter that attaches the "place" to a massive stone fireplace. We had a fire to knock off the chill and enjoyed eating outside bundled in our pj's! It was so peaceful and restful, and we talked and laughed and caught up. We walked to the pump house and saw the pond and spring house. I kept sending pictures (until Russell politely requested no more since he has no texting in his plan - he needs to change that!).

Skipping the outdoor shower, we got ready in two bathrooms with stone and tile and authentic stone sinks with a faucet that looked like a pump off of Little House. Then we headed out for some fun. We went to the outlets in Lebanon looking for specific things on our list. I was so determined to find mine that I forgot to look at Stride Rite (if they had one!) for Sam's shoes! But I did find things I needed to make every day a little easier, and the other girls found some good and some spectacular deals. We left there and went on to Mt. Juliet when we ate at Chick-fil-A (a new favorite of Susan who heard about it from guess who ~ of course, Whitney). Then we shopped a little more and met up with a friend.

Then we took off for another adventure in Normandy. We went to Susan's friend's cafe where a live band was going to play. We ate there and met the very special owner who needs lots of special prayer this Tuesday as she gets some test results back. In the short time we were there, we knew we had met someone very unique and extra special. It was fun to sit at our table by the door and people watch before and during the show. If we were budding country music artists, we would have been pleased to know who was in the building with us, I am sure!

We drove back to the river and slept a good night again. Another breakfast outside watching the sun light dance off the swift river was restful. Bacon and eggs taste even better eaten outside! We got to spend a little more time with Susan and then drove pretty much straight home and back to our lives. But hopefully not back to those things mentioned in the first paragraph!

Sometimes we just need to change our scenery a little bit. We need to be able to look past what is right in front of us all of the time. We need to sometimes GET past those things. When I am tired, I hold on to more things that beat me down. I let my feelings get hurt easily. I worry more about things of concern...and every other thing. I don't make the best choices sometimes ~ not bad ones but ones that don't help me along on bad days.

Sometimes I feel like the storm has gone on for years. I feel like somewhere along the way I stopped waiting for it to pass and just braced myself to hold on and hold up during the storm. Since it never went away, I never moved on. I am going to try to move on - even in the storm. Reverend Thrasher sent me the message about being able to dance in the rain. Live in the storm. Keep going. Serve while waiting. Wait patiently on the Lord. He is my Father. He loves me in a way that cannot really be imagined. He gave His own Son for ME! He does care about my worries and struggles and wants to take the burden. All He asks is that I give it to Him. I am trying. I will try harder.

I am so blessed to have had such a weekend. I am so tired. I have so much to do this week. But I am going in with a new attitude.

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