The other day I read a devotional by Joni Eareckson Tada. She was writing about “Insults” and how she felt indignant about the way she had been treated in an airport. She referenced I Peter 2:23 which tells of Jesus not retaliating when insults were hurled at Him. He “entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.”
When someone hurts my feelings, it is easy for me to feel sorry for myself. Then instead of hurting them back, I want to drop “hints” that what they said did not bother me! I have wasted a lot of time on this quest, which probably never turned out the way I wanted or intended. I thought if I was not hurting back but let them know they did not bother me, the hurt would not cut so deeply or hurt so much. But it hurt me more and took up even more of my valuable time. Jesus did not waste His precious time on this earth. Should I?
I find when I am in the middle of a crisis, I do not have time to second guess what someone meant when they wrote me a note or sent me an email or made a comment. I don’t have time!!!! My time is spent on whatever the crisis is. Maybe later, I think back and wonder; but during the time, I simply don’t have time! Instead, during those times, I draw nearer to the One who never hurts me but simply loves and helps me. I draw nearer to the One who loves me the most. Why should I care about others?
I guess because I am human? My first reaction is to retaliate – whether it is to hurt back or to be passive and make sure the person knows they did not hurt me. Maybe they did not mean to hurt me or be insensitive in the first place. I have had people tell me that they could not be me. It was not in a flattering way. It was telling me that they could not deal with some of the things I deal with. They may have meant it as a compliment, but it made me feel even more burdened with my already heavy burdens. This is when I am looking at ME instead of Him. I can be so overly sensitive and can make up things that are not even there! Who has time for that?
So there are ones who maybe mean to be encouraging but do not come across that way if they are not good with words or I am overly sensitive. Then, there are the ones who are really out to get me!
What to do about those? I am fortunate to have had very little in the way of purposeful discouragers. Along the way, I have wondered at some people who wanted to make sure I knew my children were not perfect. And it is hard when it has to do with children. But some of the comments and consistency of the discouragement made it seem very much on purpose. I tried to look at what I did and said and tried to see if I somehow was doing or saying something I should not. After that, I had to pray and move on and hope not to be around the person quite so much. Sometimes I was around them for years! But being on the other side now, it was a good lesson for me in how not to let those things bother me.
Then were the ones who picked at everything I did like it was their mission in life to point out anything I did wrong and make sure everyone knew about it. That is hard to live with for long periods of time. Thankfully, none of this happened at home. So home was a good respite, refuge, and rejuvenating place. I literally let people steal my joy! Who has time for that?
Sometimes it can be hard and blatant, and sometimes it is easier to ignore and go on. What Joni reminded me of was a different perspective. Do I need to spend time in some kind of retaliation? Or can I just pray and leave it up to the One who judges justly?
Sometimes I know I need to speak up – and for me, it would more likely be on someone else’s behalf. But most of the time, I just need to pray and trust. Instead of knowing it bothers me and using my energy to fight, I need to acknowledge it bothers me (because it sure does!) and take joy in letting it roll off of me. I can do that too. If I remember. I sure do remember faster and better when I am in His Word and can see things as they are. In this world, things are not clear to us. But in the spiritual warfare and darkness, there is Light. If I run to the Light, I can see better than if I stay over in my “feel sorry for myself” corner and feel crushed.
I need to look around. Do I make “jabs” at people who hurt me or discourage me? Do I waste time on this stuff? Do I have that time to waste?
One week I had one child in the hospital newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I begged God more than once on my children’s behalf. “Not seizures, Lord, we cannot deal with that!” “Not diabetes, Lord, I already have this other child with so many things wrong.” “Please no seizures this week, Lord, I am so tired.” I can be very specific in my begging. And I know He hears me. And I try not to whine, but sometimes…
That week, my oldest had a seizure before going to bed; so I put him in bed with me. Near midnight, he started talking about his Geometry test and talking out of his head. Then came the bad seizure followed by another. I was helpless. I was scared. I was at the end of me. The ambulance came, and my son was scooped up and taken. When I last saw him, he was not breathing. I jumped in my clothes and yelled instructions at my two younger sons and took off to follow them to the hospital, all the while praying (very loudly) out loud. Fortunately, he was okay. But I will never ever forget how that felt – feeling totally helpless. Yet, I could still cry out to the One who loves me most.
So can I take some of the petty stuff that comes my way? I admit it’s harder when it comes from a friend instead of an acquaintance. But can I overlook it because they have bad days too that are overwhelming? Maybe they did not realize what they said or did. Maybe they needed to blow off some steam or transfer some hurt with or without knowing it. Is it enough to ruin my day or my week or my year? Not anymore (I hope). I want to be like Joni who wants to model Christ. Leave it to the One who judges justly. And go on and not waste time!
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