Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rough Night - February 1, 2013

Please pray for Andrew as he rides back from an indoor meet in Winston with the Appalachian team.  He had a seizure and did not get to run.  I don't know details, but it did not require medication; and he was talking soon after.  They almost took him to the hospital though, so I am anxious to hear what happened.  The coaches said he could ride with them.  When Coach Weaver called, I was halfway ready to go out the door; but they said he seemed okay.  So I did not go.  He has texted me and said they were leaving.

I am so disappointed and frustrated.  I am disappointed because he has worked hard and could not run.  I am very frustrated that I have spent hours on the phone with insurance about his seizure meds (not the first round we have had over the years), and he could not get the dose his doctor prescribed.  We should be able to get it next week.  Since it is so expensive, we just had to wait.  I told them he might have a seizure in the meantime, but they do not care.  This has been a huge source of my anxiety - his medicine costs and the insurance's ability to deny whatever they want.  So please pray we can get this handled or find an alternate source to help pay, so he can have what he needs.

We are thankful for those around Andrew who help him - so thankful.  It's hard to not be there each time he needs us.  Very very hard.

Thanks for praying for him.  I hope to be picking him up within the hour - before more bad weather.

Andrew and I have spent a lot of time driving together this week in the ice and snow.  We made it up and out our road Monday when it was a solid sheet of ice - praying the whole way!  Pete could not get out of the flat driveway and ended up driving through the yard!  Will told me that others took out mailboxes and landed in ditches.  Yesterday, we got into town after a slick ride down the whole Deerfield Road.  I talk the whole time - partly because I am a little nervous and partly to tell Andrew what I am doing.  I love that my car has two low gears so I don't use my brakes much.  And just this morning - through a lot of snow on the roads.  We also had a time getting home Wednesday evening before the flooding got too bad.  I picked up Andrew at practice and took him to his truck.  He followed me home, and we got there just before our one way that was not blocked got too bad.  He has been tired, but he has had a good week and really enjoys his classes.

It's just one of those nights to pray and keep turning things over.  I don't like seizures, and I don't like dealing with insurance companies.  And I really hurt for Andrew.  So please pray for him and for the other situations - that we can just do what we need to do and let them go.  Andrew is good at that.

Thanks so much.  Be safe in the upcoming weather!


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