We went to Winston-Salem today to meet with a new endocrinologist for Andrew. I should have done this YEARS ago. I kept meaning to, and I even asked for recommendations. But I did not do it. I am so thankful we went today. I wanted to get his thyroid straightened out. I prayed we would meet a very smart doctor who took an interest in helping Andrew. We have seen tons of doctors over the years, and this one impressed me from the start. He is young. He had already researched some of Andrew's medical issues I found myself wishing I had one of Andrew's big notebooks with pictures with me. I think this doctor would have been interested to see it.
Andrew got labs, and we'll get the results next week. He is taking a huge dose of Synthroid for his weight. He may need it but may not - if we change some factors and when he takes other meds. I did not realize how dangerous a high dose could be in the long run. I think this doctor will be proactive and knows some things to look for that have not been brought up in a long while. We seem to have so many "separate" issues, and I am hoping this one doctor will look at all of them together. There are not many cases of the lipodystrophy Andrew had at age five. But this doctor had already looked for and found links with CVID and that.
We talked a long time, because he was very interested in specific things. And the doctor was very concerned about diabetes. I assured him that I had checked Andrew just a few weeks ago (his blood sugar) when he was very fatigued and had once again dropped some weight fast. He was a little surprised that his brother has it but does not have any of the other issues.
We go back in November, and I will take my big notebook - just in case it helps someone else in the future.
I asked Carla to look over a page of Andrew's paperwork before we went. I know it sounds crazy, but I am afraid I will leave something out! She did add one thing, and then she said something that reminded me how fortunate we are. I feel like I have been somewhat exhausted for a long time now - months at least. And I feel like I drag through days, sometimes looking forward to bedtime a little too much! And so good things get by me. But what she said reminded me that Andrew should not be driving and walking around and working on a tough double major and running on a college cross country/track team, and playing with his littlest brother so much - because of all of his medical issues. He is a miracle. And I needed that reminder, as silly as that sounds too.
Andrew and I left, and he let me run into Marshalls and Homegoods before I got him lunch; and we headed for home, so he could go to practice. It was hot there! It was hot at home too! Pete and I set up my yard sale, and it finally got so hot it clouded over and thundered! I am so looking forward to fall! I got some mums last week and cannot wait to put them out tomorrow. It's my favorite time of year.
Thanks for praying for our family. Everyone else seems fine. School has started. Sam is going back to reading classes next week and is at his school and doing things at home. It will be a busy semester for him. But I pray this is the year he turns the corner. I cannot wait to see him reading a book on his own - which may be in the next year or so. But we keep praying. His insulin pens have malfunctioned, so I had to send three back. They are supposed to replace them - the company. And the issues will be reported to the FDA. I found another mom who had the same problem. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out why they are running so high. Malfunctioning pens are dangerous, but they are the ones BCBS prefers now. So we will keep that in mind and just keep trying.
Pete is on the homestretch on our bathroom. I cannot wait to see the vanity that has been hiding in our basement for months! He was hoping to land another trip to Israel, but he thinks November will be his next trip over. He is already excited. We had a road work day last Saturday, and the little bit of shoveling he did affected his speech on Sunday. But the work got done. And he can do a lot of work that does not affect him that way. So we are thankful for that.
Thanks again. Happy Almost Fall. I am so ready for some cross country meets!
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