Sam is doing better after a terrible week last week. His insulin pens kept malfunctioning until I gave up on them. I had to get the disposable ones with whole units. It's hardest at night to only have full units with someone his size. But it's better than not knowing if he'll get his insulin. I am supposed to return the rest of the pens I bought to join the others I already sent back. They said they will reimburse me. I am going to put all of that money in a special trip fund for Sam. I think Andrew is going with me to take him somewhere special after Christmas. I am sure the company won't reimburse me for all of the unused insulin in the cartridges, but I will be happy to get what I can back from those pens that I don't trust! Reading at ASU is doing well, and school seems to be okay for now. We have started some of our home teaching, and we hope to work in some educational things on our way to and from Andrew's meets in VA and AL. It's hard to see someone feel so terrible, and I am thankful he is feeling better now.
Peter and I took a trip to the doctor Friday for a cyst on his wrist that comes and goes. It was not big enough to drain with a needle - and I cannot see Peter doing that anyway! We have decided to see if it goes away again - like if he hits it on the commercial mower at work again. If not, we will have to get it cut out. Before, it hindered his hand stands and movement. Now it does that and hurts! Other than that, he is doing well. It took both of us to move a couch today, and he probably won't be moving furniture with me again soon. But he was patient, and we got it done!
I noticed a young man in Carhartts on the side of the road near an old laundry that is being converted into something else on my way to get Sam. He was in the road with orange cones and looked like he was drilling into the road. On closer inspection, I thought it was Will and looked up and saw the dump truck. Sam and I came back that way and saw Will and Chad, one of his bosses, in the road with the cones. It was good to see him hard at work. I took one of my favorite trips Saturday morning to the trash dump. In grabbing things out of the basement, I noticed a nice folder. Inside was his diploma. I cried thankful tears. I had not seen it yet. God is so faithful.
Pete and I went to a pastors' dinner at Greenway last week. I did not feel like going. I barely had time to run home after cleaning and taking Sam to reading to change my clothes. Traffic was bad, and I was so tired. But we got there and had a very low key dinner from Dan'l Boone Inn with several pastors and wives - not very many. And I got to sit next to one of my favorite people I have not known long. God has put this wife in my path only a couple of times now, but it's like she knows what I need to hear in five minutes or less. It was such a blessing.
Life is so busy right now. Too busy really. But I keep praying, and God keeps providing. Because Pete has not yet finished our bathroom and because he almost has, I started scraping our dingy ceiling in the family room. It's like getting rid of the dusty old stuff to make it fresh and white and new. What a great illustration. I hope to be able to say in the next six months that it is done! And I hope that I can say the same about me. That I have been still enough for God to work and get rid of the dinginess in my life and make me whiter and new - like He did when He washed away my sin.
Fall is in the air. Then it leaves for a day and a Florida summer day reappears! But it feels so good, and I am so ready for fall!
Thanks for praying for our family. We are doing a race/walk to raise money for JDRF on October 1 at the Greenway. You can register or donate at You can go to events and look under run/endurance for the High Country Type One Race for a Cure 5K. Our race verse is Joshua 1:9. We hope to raise awareness and some money for JDRF. Awareness is mainly the warning signs of Type 1. I cry when I read of mostly children who are tragically diagnosed too late and die from a seizure or have brain damage or other issues. I think God laid this on our hearts - mine and some other moms. And my friend Paula is helping me do it - along with her family who is on my Relay for Life team for cancer. If you are here, come and see us!
Thanks again!
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