Friday, November 8, 2013

Another Tough Night

Last night was rough. Pete got in yesterday morning, and we were so happy to see him. Andrew left to go to a track meeting before 9:00, without me knowing. Pete went to bed, after traveling over 6600 miles in the last day, and he barely woke when a call came in. I noticed the different ring and asked him about it. He said he saw it was from Coach and thought he could not answer because he was in Israel! I went upstairs to ask Andrew why Coach might be calling, and his room was dark. My heart sank as Will told me he had left for a meeting. At that moment, my phone rang - Peter. He was heading over to the field house to check on Andrew. They had called him. I was in my pj's with my glasses on, ready for bed. I jumped in some clothes while waking Pete up. He got dressed, and we drove off with the flashers on. I drove while Pete talked to Peter. Coach had called me and told me they had called 911 since Andrew was purple.

I was in disbelief - not expecting the call since he has been doing so well for so long. I was sad, but I was determined to get to him as quickly as I could safely. We drove up to the stadium and were met with all of the lights from two fire trucks, two ambulances, police, and we were thankful that Peter's friend was waving us down and showing us where to go. I ran up the stairs to a crowded hallway with all of these people in uniforms. I worked my way past them to see Andrew. And they were clearing the way. They knew I needed to be right beside him. It was probably almost a minute before I realized that the fireman holding the oxygen for Andrew was Lonnie, a fellow church member and friend. Andrew was back, so I could breathe better. We answered questions and assured them that we have a night plan. We have figured out what seems safest and best at night to get rest. We walked a wobbly Andrew down the hall and down the elevator and out to the car. We thanked everyone and were thankful he was okay.

We got home and got him in bed. About an hour later, I heard him get up. His head was killing him. So we got him a little Pepsi and ibuprofen, and I tucked him back in bed in my spot. I was within earshot on the den couch (this is where the house plan works out well that our bedroom is where a garage was supposed to be originally). After that, we slept well until after 5:00. Everyone got to school and work on time. All homework had been done and finished up. I took Andrew to the doctor and got some labs (please pray the liver labs that crept up just a little will be normal when we check them again next week) and had him looked at before he went on to class. Most people would not expect someone to go to class the day after something like that. But Andrew does better on a schedule getting his stuff done. He does not like to be behind. Coach told him not to come to practice, and he was relieved to have a little break since he was so tired. He did well and came home this afternoon and took a nap. No headache today. Nothing. Just tired.

It's hard to know your friends and teammates saw you in that state. It's sad to do so well for so long and then have to start over. I know for me that the longer we go without an emergency, the better I feel. I am not fanatical about missing any phone call. I breathe more deeply and feel more at peace more of the time. Then something happens, and I am on high alert again. I sleep lighter and keep waiting for a call. I am sure Andrew goes through something similar, but he does not think about it all of the time like I tend to do. Peter put a post on FB about talking to God about these things and feeling the burden being lifted from his shoulders. So I have tried to do that today too. I let myself feel what I don't like to feel and get it over with. I keep praying. And this weekend, I will watch a sad movie to get the crying out. It's just stuff that seems to help after trying to do the main thing. Turning it all over to God. He is still in control. I don't have to understand. I don't have to think too far ahead (which I am so bad about doing this so much). And I will have to constantly remind myself and be reminded of this.

I pulled up the song by Fernando Ortega last night called "Jesus, King of Angels". It is a song about watching over this house tonight and keeping the fears and doubts away. It reminds me that God cares about every single little thing that happens. I will post the words below.

That's all for now. Andrew and I are watching Shark Tank. My world traveler is asleep as are my two blondies. I am enjoying the normalcy of this evening. Andrew runs in Regionals next week in Charlottesville, VA. Please pray for him to be better and be able to finish training. Please pray for safety for him and the team as they travel.

Thanks to all of those who pray for us. Thank you for caring for us. If you don't have this assurance, please ask someone about it. Andrew knows where he is going when he dies. I know where he is going. If I didn't, I cannot imagine facing this time and time again. Even Pete, flying across the ocean into what some consider a dangerous place, knows where he is going so ultimately does not do stupid things but does not worry needlessly while gone.

"Jesus, King of Angels" Fernando Ortega

Jesus, King of Angels, Heaven's light Shine Your face upon this house tonight
 Let no evil come into my dreams Light of Heaven keep me in Your peace

Remind me how You made dark spirits flee
And spoke Your power to the raging sea
And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man
Remind me Jesus, this is what I am

The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me

With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord
Tomorrow let me love You even more
And rise to speak the goodness of Your name
Until I close my eyes and sleep again

The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me

Jesus, King of Angels, Heaven's light
Hold my hand and keep me through this night

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