Saturday, November 9, 2013

You're an Overcomer!

I continue to see things that God put in place for us the other night. And I know there are so many more. I was thinking this morning. My sister-in-law left me a message the other day that said she had heard a song and had told me that when she hears it, she will think of me. She heard it and called to tell me she thought of me and to remember that I am an overcomer. The point of the song is that through Jesus we can be overcomers - not give up and give in to circumstances and hardships. I cried because the message was sweet. I appreciated the reminder but always want to be quick to point out that I alone am not anything. Only by His grace, mercy, and love can I do anything. And I know that is what Cindy was reminding me. I also probably felt a little "Uh oh", but I shrugged it off thinking that we had done well while Pete was gone. No one was very sick. We had a couple of low blood sugars (and some highs) but nothing we could not handle. We had gotten Will to school by 7:00 every morning for 0 block welding. That was a huge feat. We had done some major cleaning while Pete was gone and had even begun crown molding in the den (Will). So I saw how God was helping me take care of my responsibilities AND the things I needed to get done - the usual things of fall cleaning and organizing and just trying to simplify life. Cindy is so sweet. She always has been. She is way way above me on the sweetness scale. Reverend Thrasher used to say, "You remind me of my sweet little Cindy." That made me feel pangs of guilt, because I knew Cindy was so much sweeter than I am! Then I went to spend two weeks with Cindy when she lived in England. We had a chance to talk (I think I woke up talking, and I fell asleep talking!) and just do everything together for two weeks. I did not have any children yet, but Whitney was expecting at home. And Cindy was not yet even dating my brother. We became like sisters. And then I realized what Reverend Thrasher meant. We were a lot alike in the way we thought and what bothered us and what we needed to talk about. That made me feel so much better. Not only did I find a forever friend, sister, and ally, but I knew it did not matter if Cindy was sweeter than I am. She is a gift. A gift of someone who understands me and slips in quietly and is just there. She does the most thoughtful things and brings a comfort that only people with that God-given gift can bring. Today, as I remember her message, I know God was using Cindy once again to encourage me. He does - even if we don't see it clearly. But we feel it. He is our only constant. Our only Hope. How wonderful to have people who slip in and remind us of these things. I have some of the most wonderful family and friends anyone could have. I am so blessed. I don't know why God chose to give me so many supportive people, but He certainly did. I will update soon and not leave this blog hanging like I have been doing lately. I want to share what God is doing, because it helps me so much that others need to hear. He hears us where we are. He is with us where we are. He loves us where we are. Always. If my people stayed silent and did not share, I would not get those blessings He intended.

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